

  • Activation of 5-fluorouracil to 5-FdUMP
    • Complex formation with thymidylate synthase and folic acid → inhibition of
    • thymidylate synthase → ↓ dTMP production → ↓ DNA synthesis
    • Incorporation of pyrimidine analog into DNA and RNA → ↓ DNA and RNA synthesis
  • Leucovorin enhances antineoplastic efficacy of 5-fluorouracil

Thymidylate Synthase

Mechanism of Action

  • Vidoe: 5-FU (Fluorouracil); Mechanism of action - YouTube
  • 5-FU is → a prodrug, after enter the cell, become 5-FdUMP, which will do the following works:
    • 在uracil 第五個碳上加了一個F,去卡位,卡誰的 → thymiylate synthetase 的 → ∴ 所以 ✖ 無法再生成thymidylate ∴ 所以導致RNA ✖ 無法再繼續合成
  • 作用在s phase,細胞在複製時,需要大量的 → RNA
  • cf: Capecitabine (Xeloda)

Other Note

  • A prodrug that undergoes a complex series of biotransformations to ribosyl and dexoxyribosyl nucleotide metabolites. One of these (FdUMP) forms a covalently bound ternary complex with thymidylate synthase and the reduced folate N5-N10-methylenetetrahydrofolate, a reaction critical for the synthesis of thymidylate.

    • pyrimidine analog
    • bioactivated to 5-FdUMP
    • covalently complexes to folic acid
    • complex inhibits thymidylate synthase
    • ↓dTMP → ↓DNA & protein synthesis
  • When combined with leucovorin (folinic acid), 5-FU forms a complex that inhibits “thymidylate” synthetase more effectively than 5-FU alone (Figure 1).

    • Disrupting the synthesis of “thymidylate” results in an inhibition of DNA synthesis through a “thymineless death”
    • 5-FU is → also converted to 5-FUTP, which is → incorporated into RNA, where it interferes with RNA processing & mRNA translation
    • 5-FU is → also converted 5-FdUTP, which can be incorporated into DNA, resulting in inhibition of DNA synthesis & function
    • Its cytotoxicity is → due to effects on both DNA- and RNA-mediated events
  • Ref: 5-fluorouracil TUSOM | Pharmwiki

  • from: Fluorouracil 󰒖

  • mFOLFOX-6