
🌱 來自: bladder cancer

workup-of-bladder cancer

  • Evaluation of entire urinary tract:
    • Cystourethroscopy,
    • consider urine cytology (low sensitivity ∼34%, high specificity ∼98%) (Urology 2003;61:109),
    • abd & upper tract imaging
  • Initial cystoscopy includes bimanual exam under anesthesia to assess for locally advanced dz,
    • bladder wash for cytology,
    • visual inspection & tumors biopsied or transurethral resection,
    • random bxs if positive urine cytology w/ no visible tumors
  • If no muscle in specimen,
    • strongly consider repeat TURBT-aim to correctly identify stage & grade while completely resecting all visible tumors
  • UC are either low-grade or high-grade, w/ muscle-invasive dz almost always high-grade