
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

COPD🚧 施工中


•   Antibiotic therapy in exacerbations of COPD. Ann Intern Med 1987;106:196–204.

-   Randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study assessing antibiotic use when all three cardinal symptoms of an acute exacerbation of COPD were present (i.e., increased dyspnea, increased sputum production, increased sputum purulence). Results demonstrated less failure with use of antibiotics; however, this improvement was not significant after controlling for use of oral steroids.

•   Antibiotics in addition to systemic corticosteroids for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2010;181:150–157.

-   Randomized, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the effect of adding doxycycline to prednisone for patients presenting with dyspnea and increased sputum volume; patients with fever or chest radiograph consistent with pneumonia were excluded. The results demonstrated no significant improvement in 30-day clinical response with antibiotics, although clinical cure/clinical success at day 10 were improved in the antibiotic arm.