

  • undercooked pork; unpasteurized milk, abd pain → ”pseudoappendicitis” (aka mesenteric adenitis)
  • Can pass through the stomach, adhere to the gut epithelium, and localize in lymphoid tissue to evade the immune response.
  • Transmission largely foodborne (especially pork consumption), but can also be due to consumption of untreated spring water, transmission from household pets, or in extremely rare cases from pRBC transfusions.
  • Incubation averages 5 days.
  • Clinically, can cause acute yersiniosis (febrile gastroenteritis) or a pseudo-appendicitis syndrome (fever, milder diarrhea, RLQ pain).
  • Can also cause an autoimmune-type thyroiditis, pericarditis, or glomerulonephritis.
  • Treatment: Self limited, provide support/rehydration; if severe use fluroquinolone or TMP-SMX.