
inflammatory breast cancer

peau d orange

Definition: a rare form of advanced, aggressive invasive carcinoma characterized by dermal lymphatic invasion of tumor cells

Clinical features

  • Peau d’orange
  • Erythematous, warm, and edematous skin plaques with prominent hair follicles that resemble orange peel
  • Caused by obstruction of the lymphatic channels due to tumor growth
  • Tenderness, burning sensation
  • Blood-tinged nipple discharge
  • Signs of metastatic disease (e.g., axillary lymphadenopathy) [16]
  • Usually no palpable mass

Diagnostics: based on clinical features and biopsy [17]

  • Diagnostic criteria (all must be met)
    • Rapid onset of breast erythema, edema, warmth, and peau d’orange, with or without palpable mass on breast examination
    • Erythema involving at least one-third of the breast
    • Symptoms have been present for < 6 months
    • Core needle biopsy confirming the presence of invasive carcinoma
    • Skin punch biopsy: patients who meet the diagnostic criteria should undergo at least two full-thickness skin punch biopsies
  • Further testing
    • Imaging: bilateral mammogram and ultrasound of regional lymph node
    • Receptor and HER2 gene testing

Differential diagnosis

  • Mastitis
  • Paget disease of the breast
  • Breast abscess


  • chemotherapy (possibly in combination with targeted therapy) PLUS radiation PLUS modified radical mastectomy
  • Prognosis: 5-year survival rate is ∼ 40%.