concordant for pH (~0.04), HCO3 (~2 mEq) but not PCO2 (~8±17 mmHg) VBG can be used to screen for hypercarbia w/ PCO2 cutoff ≥45 mmHg (100% Se), but may not accurately assess degree of hypercarbia (Am J Emerg Med 2012;30:896)

急診夜未眠: 急診 VBG 可否取代 ABG?

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  • ABG and VBG are both tests that measure the acidity of blood.
  • ABG is more accurate than VBG for measuring pH and HCO3.
  • VBG can be used to screen for hypercarbia, but it is not as accurate as ABG.


  • ABG 和 VBG 都是測量血液酸度的測試。
  • ABG 在測量 pH 值和 HCO3 方面比 VBG 更準確。
  • VBG 可用於篩查高碳酸血症,但不如 ABG 準確。
    • PCO2小於45可以排除酸血