Clinical manifestations-Candida species


  • cutaneous (eg, red, macerated lesions in intertriginous zones: groin folds, axillae, and gluteal cleft);
  • oral thrush (exudative, erythematous or atrophic; if unexplained, r/o HIV);
  • esophageal (odynophagia; ± oral thrush);
  • vulvovaginal
  • balanitis 龜頭炎


  • typically colonization due to broad-spectrum abx and/or indwelling catheter


  • WARN: ⊕ blood cx are never a contaminant!
  • NB: r/o :
    • retinal involvement (ophtho consult)
    • endocarditis w/ TTE ± TEE (esp. w/ prosthetic valve) as req ↑ Rx duration.
  • May present w/ erythematous papules or pustules in immunosupp.

Candida in sputum

  • usually not a clinically significant pathogen
  • Hepatosplenic: typically, after prolonged neutropenia as cell counts are recovering