
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Management of Complications Associated with Advanced CKDESRD🚧 施工中

Management of Complications Associated with Advanced CKD/ESRD

Blood pressure/volume

•   Pathophysiology of hypertension in CKD: Complex and multifactorial, attributed to reduced nephron mass, increased Na+ retention, extracellular volume expansion, activation of hormones (RAAS) and the sympathetic nervous system, and endothelial dysfunction

•   Goal blood pressure: Generally <130/80 mmHg. This may be more liberal when accounting for certain factors, such as the degree of kidney disease, dialysis tolerance, polypharmacy, adverse effects of medication, and history of transplant.

•   Treatment:

-   Sodium restriction is a key element of BP control. Fluid restriction becomes more important when GFR is severely reduced.

-   Patients should monitor PO intake and weight. Dry weight is estimated by exam and maintained through diuresis or ultrafiltration during dialysis.

-   Pharmacotherapy:


-   If a patient is still urinating, diuretics can assist with volume management

-   Diuretics depend on reaching active concentrations in the tubule lumen; higher doses are required with worsening renal function as urea competitively binds to the Organic Anion Transporter 1 (OAT1) which transports the diuretics into the tubular lumen

-   Most diuretics cause net fluid loss by preventing tubular sodium reabsorption

-   Loop diuretics will often be necessary if eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2 (Efficacy in reduced eGFR: bumetanide > furosemide > metolazone > chlorthalidone > hydrochlorothiazide).

   ACE inhibitors/ARBs

-   First-line antihypertensive in CKD, especially with proteinuria and relatively preserved native kidney function

-   Can cause hyperkalemia

-   Increase in creatinine after starting agents is not necessarily indicative of kidney injury; generally should not be discontinued unless eGFR decreases by >30%

-   Combination ACE/ARB associated with increased renal decline and generally contraindicated (ONTARGET study Lancet 2008)

   Calcium channel blocker (CCB)

-   Do not need dose modification for renal clearance

-   Relatively few adverse effects, can cause lower extremity edema

-   Preferred class in CKD after ACE/ARB and diuretics; can reduce proteinuria


-   Typically used if secondary prevention of cardiac events is warranted

-   Agents with combination alpha/beta antagonism are preferred to avoid metabolic effects of beta blockers, e.g., carvedilol and labetalol

-   Nonrenal clearance is preferred, e.g., carvedilol


-   No renal dose adjustment

-   Often used for hypertension on days between dialysis sessions

-   Associated with rebound hypertension when discontinued or doses missed


•   Pathophysiology: Results from decreased erythropoietin (EPO) production, EPO resistance, and decreased RBC lifespan

•   Treatment:

-   Goal Hgb 10–11.5 g/dL

-   Check iron studies in CKD patients with anemia

-   Guidelines recommend for transferrin saturation >30%, ferritin >500 ng/mL, though practice patterns vary widely and less stringent targets may be used (e.g., transferrin saturation >20% and ferritin >100 ng/mL)

   Ferritin can be increased with inflammatory states too

   Rule out GI bleeding if you detect iron deficiency

-   Iron supplementation

   IV iron is preferred in patients on hemodialysis. PO supplementation causes constipation, adds to pill burden, and is minimally absorbed compared to IV formulations.

   Iron sucrose (Venofer) and ferric gluconate (Ferrlecit) are the most commonly used formulations

   IV iron can cause anaphylaxis when first given; provide a test dose and administer slowly for patients who are IV iron naive

-   Erythropoietin-stimulating agents (ESAs)

   Give if patient is iron replete but remains below Hgb goal

   Three formulations:

-   Epoetin alfa (Epogen). 3× per week during HD or weekly in non-HD CKD.

-   Darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp). Weekly during HD or monthly in non-HD CKD.

-   Methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta (Mircera). Every 2 weeks.

-   RBC Transfusion


-   Consider pRBC transfusion if ESAs are contraindicated or unsuccessful

-   Administer pRBCs if anemia is symptomatic or severe (Hgb <7 g/dL)

Bone mineral metabolism

•   Pathophysiology: Mineral bone disorder is due to secondary hyperparathyroidism, which has two main contributing factors:

-   Decreased 1-alpha-hydroxylase (made by the kidney) → decreased activation of 25-hydroxy vitamin D to 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D → decreased Ca2+ absorption → decreased serum Ca2+ level → increased PTH

-   Poor phosphate excretion → elevated phosphate → increased PTH and decreased 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D

•   Manifestations of CKD mineral bone disorder:

-   Mineral and hormone abnormalities

   Increased phosphate

   Increased PTH

   Decreased 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D

-   Structural bone abnormalities

   Renal osteodystrophy: Range of abnormal bone pathology, bone turnover, and mineralization; includes osteomalacia, adynamic bone disease, and osteitis fibrosa cystica

   Increased alkaline phosphatase: Reflects osteoblast activity and bone turnover

   Increased FGF23: Secreted by osteocytes and involved in phosphate regulation

-   Calcification of blood vessels and soft tissue

•   Management of CKD mineral bone disorder:

-   Phosphate

   Phosphate level should ideally be within the normal range, though levels <5.5 mg/dL are often tolerated by providers

   Phosphate binders are used to lower phosphate by preventing absorption of dietary phosphate

   Calcium-based phosphate binders (data below from ST. PETER et al. AJKD 2018)

-   Calcium acetate (Phoslo) 667 mg/tablet; 34% of ESRD patients on this medication, cheap ($678/user-yr), strongest binder

-   Calcium carbonate (Tums), cheap

   Non-calcium-based phosphate binders

-   Sevelamer (Renvela) 800 mg/tablet; preferred by some due to absence of calcium, 54% of ESRD patients on this medication, expensive (4000/user-yr).

-   Lanthanum carbonate (Carbrenol); 5% ESRD patients on this medication, expensive ($5000/user-yr).

-   Iron-based phosphate binders: Ferric citrate and sucroferric oxyhydroxide. May be preferred if iron supplementation is needed.

-   Calcium

   Keep corrected Ca2+ within normal range

   Dialysate can be adjusted to address low or high Ca2+ levels

   Consider measuring ionized calcium (iCa) in patients with significant hypoalbuminemia, acidemia, or hyperphosphatemia

-   Vitamin D

   All CKD patients should be screened and treated for vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency (check 25-hydroxy vitamin D level). 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D is not routinely measured in practice.

   Treat with cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol unless hypercalcemia or significant hyperphosphatemia is present

-   PTH

   Guidelines recommend that PTH remain within 2–9× the upper limit of normal (~150–600 pg/mL) in HD patients

   Practice varies and treatment in non-HD patients is controversial

   Treatment: Active vitamin D analogs or calcimimetics are prescribed for severely elevated or rising PTH with replete 25-hydroxy vitamin D

-   Active vitamin D: Analogs of 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D

•   Calcitriol (Rocaltrol). PO. Usually used for non-HD patients.

•   Paricalcitol (Zemplar). Administered IV. Usually given with HD.

•   Doxicalciferol (Hectorol). Administered IV. Usually given with HD.

-   Calcimimetics: Competitive binder of Ca2+ sensing receptor, which regulates PTH release. Usually used when active vitamin D analogues are inadequate or contraindicated due to hypercalcemia. More expensive than active vitamin D analogues. Side effects: Can cause hypocalcemia, nausea and vomiting.

•   Cinacalcet (Sensipar) – PO; in use since 2004

•   Etelcalcetide (Parsabiv) – IV; given with HD

-   Parathyroidectomy: Reserved for severe and refractory hyperparathyroidism in CKD