
Treatment of systemic sclerosis and scleroderma disorders

  • Minimize steroid exposure to reduce risk of renal crisis
  • Interstitial lung disease:
    • tocilizumab (Lancet Respir Med 2020;8:963), MMF (↓ toxicity vs. cyclophosphamide; Lancet Respir Med 2020;8:304);
    • nintedanib (multikinase inhibitor/antifibrotic) a/w ↓ FVC decline (NEJM 2019; 380:2518).
    • PAH: pulmonary vasodilators (see “Pulm Hypertension”); early Rx a/w better outcomes
  • Renal crisis:
    • ACEI (not ARB) for Rx, not prophylaxis (Semin Arthritis Rheum 2015;44:687)
  • GI:
    • PPI/H2-blockers for GERD;
    • promotility agents & antibx for bacterial overgrowth
  • Cardiac:
    • NSAIDs ± colchicine superior to steroids for pericarditis
  • Arthritis:
    • acetaminophen,
    • NSAIDs,
    • hydroxychloroquine,
    • MTX
  • Myositis: MTX, AZA, steroids
  • Skin:
    • PUVA for morphea. Pruritus: emollients, topical/oral steroids.
    • Fibrosis: MTX; MMF? (Ann Rheum Dis 2017;76:1207; Int J Rheum Dis 2017;20:481).
    • CYC if severe (NEJM 2006;354:2655).
  • Auto-HSCT promising for severe disease (NEJM 2018;378:35)