Diagnostic studies acute coronary syndromes

  • ECG: ST ↓/↑, TWI, new LBBB, hyperacute Tw; Qw/PRWP may suggest prior MI & ∴ CAD ✓ ECG w/in 10 min of presentation, with any ∆ in sx & at 6–12 h; compare w/ baseline

  • STEMI dx challenging w/ old LBBB or ventricular pacing:

  • Localization of MI

  • Cardiac biomarkers:

    • ✓ Tn (pref. over CK-MB) at presentation & 3–6 h if stnd assay or 1 h later if high-sens assay;
    • repeat if clinical or ECG ∆s.
    • Universal definition of MI:
      • at > 99th %ile w/ rise and/or fall in appropriate clinical setting
        • (eg, sx, ECG ∆s, WMA on TTE, thrombus on coronary angiography).
  • If low prob, stress test or CT angio to r/o CAD;

    • new wall motion abnl on TTE suggests ACS
  • Coronary angio gold standard for epicardial CAD