
Overall Survival with Durvalumab after Chemoradiotherapy in Stage III NSCLC

  1. Design: Phase 3 trial, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center
  2. Number of patients: 713 patients were randomized, and 709 received the assigned intervention (473 patients received durvalumab, and 236 received placebo)
  3. Patients characteristics: patients with stage III, unresectable non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who did not have disease progression after concurrent chemoradiotherapy
  4. Agent: Durvalumab (immunotherapy medication)
  5. Treatment line: Durvalumab was given as consolidation therapy after concurrent chemoradiotherapy
  6. Trial Name/NCT Number: PACIFIC; NCT02125461
  7. Comparison of two groups:
OutcomeDurvalumab GroupPlacebo Group
Progression-free survival (median duration, months)17.25.6
Progression-free survival (stratified hazard ratio for disease progression or death)0.51 (95% CI, 0.41 to 0.63)Not reported
Overall survival (24-month rate, %)66.3 (95% CI, 61.7 to 70.4)55.6 (95% CI, 48.9 to 61.8)
Overall survival (stratified hazard ratio for death)0.68 (99.73% CI, 0.47 to 0.997)Not reported
Response rateNot reportedNot reported