
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Hair and Nail Disorders🚧 施工中

Hair and Nail Disorders

•   Hirsutism: Excess hair growth in androgen-dependent areas (upper lip, lateral cheeks, chin, chest, lower abdomen, groin, and buttocks); most commonly caused by polycystic ovary syndrome (~60% of cases) but can also be due to other forms of androgen excess (e.g., adrenal hyperplasia, androgen-secreting tumors). Treatment: OCPs, antiandrogens (spironolactone, finasteride), hair removal

•   Alopecia: Localized or generalized hair loss; categorized as nonscarring (alopecia areata, traumatic alopecia, androgenic alopecia) or scarring (discoid lupus, lichen planopilaris)

•   Onychomycosis: Dermatophyte infection of the nail; presents as nail plate discoloration (yellow, white, or brown) with thickening and subungual debris. Treatment: Oral therapy with terbinafine or itraconazole, topical antifungals have limited efficacy

•   Paronychia: Infection of the nail fold; most commonly caused by Staph aureus. Treatment: Warm compresses, incision and drainage, oral antibiotics if severe