
Breast carcinoma TNM staging AJCC UICC 2010

  • TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed
  • T0 No evidence of primary tumor
  • Tis Carcinoma in situ
  • Tis (DCIS) Ductal carcinoma in situ
  • Tis (LCIS) Lobular carcinoma in situ
  • Tis (Paget’s) Paget’s disease (Paget disease) of the nipple NOT associated with invasive carcinoma and/or carcinoma in situ (DCIS and/or LCIS) in the underlying breast parenchyma. Carcinomas in the breast parenchyma associated with Paget’s disease are categorized based on the size and characteristics of the parenchymal disease, although the presence of Paget’s disease should still be noted.

  • T1 Tumor ≤20 mm in greatest dimension
  • T1mi Tumor ≤1 mm in greatest dimension
  • T1a Tumor >1 mm but ≤5 mm in greatest dimension
  • T1b Tumor >5 mm but ≤10 mm in greatest dimension
  • T1c Tumor >10 mm but ≤20 mm in greatest dimension
  • 一五十二十

  • T2 Tumor >20 mm but ≤50 mm in greatest dimension
  • T3 Tumor >50 mm in greatest dimension
  • 五到五公分

  • T4 Tumor of any size with direct extension to the chest wall and/or to the skin (ulceration or skin nodules)
    • T4a Extension to the chest wall, not including only pectoralis muscle adherence/invasion
    • T4b Ulceration and/or ipsilateral satellite nodules and/or edema (including peau d’orange) of the skin, which do not meet the criteria for inflammatory carcinoma
      • T4c Both T4a and T4b
    • T4d Inflammatory carcinoma