

2分以下是low risk

  • Age: less than 60y 0 pts, more than 80y 2pt
  • bleeding
  • co-morbitiy
  • diagnosis: mallary weiss tear 0分 malig 2分
  • endoscopic finding: forrest grade IIa 以下(嚴重) 2分

The Rockall score is → comprised of both a pre- and post-endoscopy score that can be added together to give an overall value

The pre-endoscopy score is → composed of three parts

  • Age (0-2)
  • Shock (0-2)
  • Co-morbidity (0-3)
  • Patients with a score of 0 are at ↣ low risk of re-bleeding and death. This group of patients (approx. 15%) may be discharged early or not admitted.

The post-endoscopy score is → composed of two sections

  • Diagnosis (0-2)
  • Bleeding (0, 2)

  • Age
  • Blood pressure (and heart rate)
  • Comorbidity
  • Diagnosis
  • Endoscopic findings