
🌱 來自: colorectal cancer

Metastatic Colon Cancer

ESMO guidelines of Metastatic Colon Cancer 󰒗

  • Chemotherapy for advanced and metastatic disease
  • Definitions:
  • 1st line: FOLFOX (JCO 2004;22:23) ± Bevacizumab (JCO 2008;26:2013); CAPEOX; FOLFIRI (JCO 2004;22:229) ± Bev (JCO 2007;25:4779); FOLFOXIRI ± Bev (TRIBE, NEJM 2014;371:1609)
  • anti-VEGF: 血栓出血蛋白尿、術後傷口高血壓
  • For pts w/ L-sided CRC & wt RAS/BRAF: FOLFOX or FOLFIRI ± cetuximab/panitumumab (CRYSTAL, NEJM 2009;360:1408; PRIME, JCO 2010;28:4697)
  • If pts not appropriate for intense Rx: Infusional 5-FU/LV; Cape
  • 2nd line:
    • FOLFIRI or irinotecan for pts who received prior FOLFOX;
    • FOLFOX/CAPEOX for pts w/ prior FOLFIRI;
    • FOLFOX/CAPEOX, or FOLFIRI for prior 5-FU/LV or Cape;
    • all regimens ±
    • irinotecan-based regimens ±;
    • cetuximab/panitumumab if not previously used
      • phase III, continued use of bevacizumab plus standard second-line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer progressing after standard first-line bevacizumab-based treatment.
    • BRiTE BRiTE observational cohort study

  • 3rd line: Irinotecan ± panitumumab/cetuximab (BOND, NEJM 2004;351:337) or single-agent panitumumab/cetuximab, or single-agent regorafenib or TAS-102; overall benefits of regorafenib or TAS-102 are modest w/ significant s/e
    • CORRECT 160mg/day for three week in 28d cycle ♻︎
    • RECOURSE 35/BSA 1-5 8-15 in 28d cycle ♻︎
  • 1st line for MSI-H/dMMR: Pembrolizumab ([[KEY line for MSI-JM 2020;383:2207) or nivolumab ± ipilimumab (CHECKMATE 142, Lancet Oncol 2017;18:1182)
  • Later line for BRAF V600E mut: encorafenib + cetuximab/panitumumab (BEACON, NEJM 2019;381:1632); addition of binimetinib did not improve OS or ORR
  • Later line for HER2 amplified & RAS/BRAF wildtype: Trastuzumab + pertuzumab; trastuzumab + lapatinib; trastuzumab deruxtecan
  • For FOLFOX, OX should be discontinued after first 3 mos of Rx till progression to reduce risk of severe neurotoxicity. Can be resumed at ↣ or after progression (OPTIMOX1, JCO 2006;24:394)
  • Do not use concurrent anti-EGFR + anti-VEGF Rx (CAIRO2, NEJM 2009;360:563)
  • Do not use anti-EGFR Rx in RAS/BRAF mut or any R sided CRC (JCO 2016;34(suppl, abstr 3504, 3505, 3506; JAMA Oncol 2017;3:211)
  • For pts progressing on anti-EGFR, use of anti-EGFR is → not rec in subsequent lines