Epidemiology and risk factors-lung cancer

  • Most common cause of cancer-related death for both men and women in the U.S.
  • Two main types: non-small cell (NSCLC, ~85% of cases); small cell (SCLC, ~15%)
  • 兩種主要類型:非小細胞(NSCLC,約85%的病例);小單元(SCLC,〜15%)
  • NSCLC comprised of adeno (40%), squamous cell (SCC, 20%), & large cell (5%) carcinomas, as well as other / not classified (20%)
  • NSCLC由Adeno(40%),鱗狀細胞(SCC,20%)和大細胞(5%)癌組成,以及其他 /未分類(20%)
  • Cigarette smoking: 85% of lung cancers occur in smokers; risk ∝ total pack-yrs, ↓ risk after quitting/reducing but not to baseline (Int J Cancer 2012;131:1210). SCC & SCLC almost exclusively in smokers, adeno most common type in nonsmokers.
  • Asbestos: when combined with smoking, synergistic ↑ in risk of lung cancer
  • Other: RT (for other cancer); HIV; environ. toxins (radon, 2nd-hand smoke); pulm. fibrosis

Explain by ChatGPT

  • Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death for both men and women in the U.S.
  • There are two main types of lung cancer: non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). NSCLC makes up for approximately 85% of all lung cancer cases while SCLC only makes up for around 15%.
  • NSCLC is made up of adeno (40%), squamous cell (SCC, 20%), & large cell (5%) carcinomas, as well as other / not classified (20%).
  • Cigarette smoking: 85% of lung cancers occur in smokers; risk ∝ total pack-yrs, ↓ risk after quitting/reducing but not to baseline (Int J Cancer 2012;131:1210). SCC & SCLC almost exclusively in smokers, adeno most common type in nonsmokers.
  • Asbestos: when combined with smoking, synergistic ↑ in risk of lung cancer
  • Other: RT (for other cancer); HIV; environ. toxins (radon, 2nd-hand smoke); pulm. fibrosis


  • 肺癌是美國男性和女性癌症相關死亡的最常見原因。
  • 肺癌主要有兩種類型:非小細胞肺癌 (NSCLC) 和小細胞肺癌 (SCLC)。 NSCLC 約佔所有肺癌病例的 85%,而 SCLC 僅佔約 15%。
  • NSCLC 由腺癌 (40%)、鱗狀細胞癌 (SCC,20%) 和大細胞癌 (5%) 以及其他/未分類 (20%) 組成。
  • 吸煙:85%的肺癌發生在吸煙者身上;風險 ∝ 總包年數,↓ 戒菸/減少但未達到基線後的風險 (Int J Cancer 2012;131:1210)。 SCC 和 SCLC 幾乎只存在於吸煙者中,腺癌最常見於非吸煙者。
  • 石棉:當與吸煙結合時,會協同 ↑ 增加患肺癌的風險
  • 其他:RT(針對其他癌症);艾滋病病毒;環境。毒素(氡、二手煙);肺。纖維化