coagulation cascade and sites of action for anticoagulants

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See “Coagulopathies” for reversal agents for anticoagulants. APC, activated protein C; AT, antithrombin; PrC, protein C; PrS, protein S; TF, tissue factor; TFPI, tissue factor pathway inhib.

Explain by ChatGPT

  1. The coagulation cascade is a process that leads to the formation of a blood clot.
  2. The cascade is triggered by the release of tissue factor from damaged cells.
  3. Tissue factor activates factor VII, which then activates factor X.
  4. Factor X activates factor II, which then converts prothrombin to thrombin.
  5. Thrombin then converts fibrinogen to fibrin, which forms the blood clot.
  6. The coagulation cascade is inhibited by antithrombin, protein C, and protein S.
  7. Anticoagulants such as heparin and warfarin work by inhibiting the coagulation cascade.


  1. 凝血級聯是導致血凝塊形成的過程。
  2. 級聯是由受損細胞釋放組織因子觸發的。
  3. 組織因子激活因子 VII,然後激活因子 X。
  4. X 因子激活 II 因子,然後將凝血酶原轉化為凝血酶。
  5. 凝血酶然後將纖維蛋白原轉化為纖維蛋白,形成血凝塊。
  6. 凝血級聯反應被抗凝血酶、蛋白 C 和蛋白 S 抑制。
  7. 肝素和華法林等抗凝劑通過抑制凝血級聯反應發揮作用。