🌱 來自: Staging of breast cancer
tldr-of-Staging of breast cancer
- Stage 0: Carcinoma in situ;
- stage IA: T1 (tumor ≤2 cm), N0;
- stage IB: T1N1mi (micromet to LN >0.2 mm but ≤2 mm);
- stage IIA: T2 (tumor 2-5 cm), N0 or T1N1 (1-3 axillary nodes);
- stage IIB: T2N1 or T3 (tumor >5 cm), N0;
- stage IIIA: N2 (4-9 axillary nodes) or T3N1;
- stage IIIB: T4 (direct extension to CW &/or skin or inflammatory);
- stage IIIC: N3 (≥10 axillary nodes or any infraclavicular or ipsilateral supraclavicular nodes);
- stage IV: Distant mets