
Sokal score

  • categories:
    • low vs. intermediate vs. high
  • calculated from % peripheral blasts, plt count, spleen size, age) (Blood 1984;63:789)


Age0 - 0 years
Spleen size0 - 12.7cm
Platelet count150k
% myeloblasts in peripheral blood0 - 0%

Risk GroupSokal Score2-year SurvivalMedian Survival
Low<0.890%5 years
Intermediate0.8–1.265-90%2.5-5 years
High>1.265%2.5 years


  • 摘要:在美國,雖然EUTOS評分在慢性粒線白血病(CML)的酪氨酸激酶抑制劑時代更容易計算並更準確地識別高風險患者,但尚未被美國國家綜合癌症網絡(NCCN)指南所採納。相反,NCCN指南使用Sokal評分來評估CML患者的風險並指導治療。
  • 原文:In the United States, the EUTOS score, despite being easier to calculate and more accurate in identifying high-risk patients in the era of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, has not been adopted by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines. Instead, the NCCN guidelines utilize the Sokal Score to assess the risk and guide therapy decisions for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).