
  • Epidemiology:
    • immunosupp. most susceptible (espec. AIDS, transplant recipients, and cirrhosis);
    • can occur in healthy hosts (esp C. gattii)
  • Clinical manifestations
    • CNS (meningoencephalitis): subacute HA, fever, meningismus, CN abnl, ± stupor
    • Other sites: pulm., GU, cutaneous, CNS cryptococcoma. With any crypto dx, LP all Pts.
  • Dx: CSF cell counts vary in HIV vs. non-HIV; WARN: serum/CSF CrAg (Se 99%, Sp 86–100%); cx
  • treatment:
    • CNS Rx has
      • induction (ampho ± flucytosine × 2 wks),
      • consolidation and maintenance (fluconazole) phases (NEJM 2013;368:1291);
      • if ↑ ICP, may need repeat LP/VP shunt
  • Non-CNS disease (pulm., skin, bone, blood) in HIV ⊖ Pts: consider fluconazole