
biology of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)

什麼事Philadelphia (Ph)染色體?他會產生什麼蛋白質?

  • 摘要:Ph染色體是指BCR-ABL1基因融合,該基因位於染色體9(ABL1)和22之間的互換易位t(9;22)(q34;q11)。幾乎在所有慢性粒線白血病(CML)病例中都可以發現這一變異。該基因融合編碼了一種失調的酪氨酸激酶(TK),在CML的病理機制中起著重要作用。進一步,這一變異可能導致疾病進展到加速期或爆發危機,同時伴隨著進一步的分子變化。

  • 原文:Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome refers to the BCR-ABL1 gene fusion, a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 (ABL1) and 22 t(9;22)(q34;q11), which is found in virtually all cases. This gene fusion encodes a deregulated tyrosine kinase (TK) implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Furthermore, progression to the accelerated phase/blast crisis of CML is accompanied by the acquisition of additional molecular changes.

Three types of fusion proteins based on location of breakpoint in BCR gene:

  1. p210: Classic breakpoint (>95% of pts); (also seen in 30% Ph+ ALL)
  2. p230: Alternative breakpoint; found in only rare cases (<1%)
  3. p190: Also rare (<1%); (common breakpoint in Ph+ ALL, 70%)

  • 摘要:在少數患者(<5%)中,可能存在變異的易位(例如,t(9;14;22)),因此,如果BCR-ABL1陰性,應進行細胞遺傳學和分子(PCR)檢測。
  • 原文:It is important to note that a minority of patients (<5%) may have a variant translocation (e.g., t(9;14;22)). Therefore, if the BCR-ABL1 test is negative, cytogenetic and molecular (PCR) testing should be performed. 注意:這裡提到的PCR是指聚合酶鏈反應(polymerase chain reaction),用於檢測特定基因序列的技術。