🌱 created from: treatment-of-myelofibrosis


  • Design: Phase I dose-escalation/expansion study, multicenter, open-label
  • Number of patients: Not specified
  • Patients characteristics: Patients with relapsed or refractory advanced myelofibrosis or other advanced hematologic malignancies
  • Agent: BET inhibitor INCB057643 as monotherapy or in combination with JAK inhibitor ruxolitinib
  • Treatment line: Relapsed or refractory patients, some in combination therapy
  • Trial Acronym/NCTId Number: Not specified
  • Comparison of efficacy:
Symptom improvementEffective
Treatment of anemiaSome success
Side effectsMinimal
  • Highlight of toxicity: Dosing at a level that did not produce side effects seen with other BET inhibitors
  • One-line summary: INCB057643, a novel BET inhibitor, shows promise as a targeted therapy for advanced myelofibrosis and other hematologic malignancies, with minimal side effects and potential for improved outcomes.