Other Post MI Complications

ComplicationClinical FeaturesTreatment
LV thrombus~30% incid. (espec lg antero-apical MI)AC×3-6 mo (? warfarin pref)
Ventricular aneurysmNoncontractile outpouching of LV; 8–15% incid. (espec ant); persist STESurgery or perc repair if HF, thromboemboli, arrhythmia
Ventricular pseudoaneurysmRupture (narrow neck) → sealed by thrombus and pericardium (esp in inf).Urgent surgery (or percutaneous repair)
Pericarditis10–20% incid.; 1–4 d post-MI ⊕ pericardial rub; ECG Δs rareHigh-dose ASA, colchicine, narcotics; minimize anticoag
Dressler’s syndrome<4% incid.; 2–10 wk post-MI fever, pericarditis, pleuritisHigh-dose aspirin, NSAIDs