


  • ↑ UrA is → not diagnostic; 25% of measurements nl during flare; ± ↑ WBC & ESR
  • Arthrocentesis is → gold standard: intracellular negatively birefringent needle-shaped MSU crystal. U/S w/ double-contour sign or dual-energy CT can aid non-invasive dx.
  • 2015 ACR/EULAR Classification Criteria (Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:1789) used 1° in research

Acute treatment (Arthritis Care Res 2020;72:744)

  • Colchinine, NSAIDs, & steroids all 1st-line; choice guided by side effect profile/comorbidities.
  • IL-1i (J Rheum 2019;46:1345) or ACTH if these contraindicated.
  • Start Rx ASAP;
    • continue until acute flare resolves;
    • consider combo Rx if severe;
    • rest/ice;
    • self-limited w/in 3-21+ d w/o Rx.
  • Continue urate-lowering therapy during attack if already taking
  • Table-Acute Treatment for Gout

Chronic treatment

  • Approach:
    • if ≥2 attacks/y, polyarticular attack, tophus, joint erosions, GFR <60, or urolithiasis
    • → start urate-lowering therapy + pharmacologic Ppx
    • to ↓ risk of acute attacks
  • Urate-Lowering Therapy (Chronic Treatment for Gout)
    • goal UrA <6 mg/dL;
    • when starting ULT, always give with pharm Ppx as below;
    • do NOT d/c during acute attack or due to AKI
  • Pharmacologic prophylaxis: continue 6 mos w/ above Rx or longer if frequent attacks:
    • low-dose colchicine (~50% ↓ risk of acute flare; J Rheum 2004;31:2429),
    • NSAIDs (less evidence; Ann Rheum Dis 2006;65:1312),
    • low-dose steroids,
    • IL-1 inhibitors
  • Lifestyle Δs:
    • ↓ intake of meat,
    • EtOH,
    • & seafood,
    • ↑ low-fat dairy,
    • wt loss,
    • avoid dehydration