
🌱 來自: ESMO Checklist

ESMO Checklist_Esophageal Cancer

Medical History and Risk Factors

Past Personal Medical History and Co-morbidities

Past Surgical History

Concurrent Medication


Smoking History

  • <> packs/year from age <> to age <>

Alcohol Consumption

Normal Weight

  • Height:
  • BMI:

Present Medical Conditions (Date: <>/<>/<>)

  • Main Symptoms:
  • Weight Loss:
  • ECOG Performance Status:
  • Nutritional Status:
  • Other Relevant Clinical Conditions:

Diagnosis and Clinical Staging (Date: <>/<>/<>)

  • Endoscopy, Tumor Location (Date: <>/<>/<>)
  • EUS (Date: <>/<>/<>)
  • Contrast-Enhanced CT-Scan (Thorax, Upper Abdomen) (Date: <>/<>/<>)
  • PET-CT Scan (Date: <>/<>/<>)
  • TNM Stage and Grade (Date: <>/<>/<>)

Histological Analysis (Date: <>/<>/<>)

  • Core Biopsy of Primary Tumor
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  • Adenocarcinoma
  • IHC, PD-L1 Staining, Method Used:
  • IHC HER 2 and/or FISH HER 2 (For Adenocarcinoma Only)
  • MSI or dMMR Status (For Adenocarcinoma Only)
  • Tissue Material Available/Stored for Future Molecular Analyses: YES/NO

Lab Tests

  • CBC
  • Renal Function
  • Liver Function

Timeline for Further Work-Up

  • Checked and tight enough: YES/NO

MDT Discussion and Decision (Date: <>/<>/<>)

  • Neo-adjuvant Therapy
  • Resection (Endoscopic or Surgical)
  • Adjuvant Therapy
  • Supportive and Palliative Care
  • Enrolment in a Clinical Trial

Treatment Options

  • Discussed with the patient and strategy accepted: YES/NO