Diagnostic and staging evaluation of lung cancer

  • Staging of lung cancer
    5-y survival of lung cancer

  • Imaging: CT w/ contrast of chest & abd/pelvis to assess for mets (adrenal, liver, bones).

  • PET-CT more Se than CT alone for detecting mediastinal and distant mets as well as

  • bone mets (NEJM 2009;361:32).

  • Brain MRI for all Pts except stage IA.

  • Pathology: via bronchoscopy (central lesions) or CT-guided needle bx (peripheral lesions or accessible sites of suspected metastasis);

  • mediastinoscopy (LN bx / eval), VATS (eval. of pleural peripheral lesions), thoracentesis if pleural effusion (cytology).

  • Genetics of Diagnostic and staging evaluation of lung cancer

  • PFTs w/ quant V/Q if Rx includes resection; need 30% nl predicted lung fxn after resection

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  • to avoid morbidity.

Diagnostic and staging evaluation of lung cancer

  • Staging of lung cancer: Imaging: CT w/ contrast of chest & abd/pelvis to assess for mets (adrenal, liver, bones). PET-CT more Se than CT alone for detecting mediastinal and distant mets as well as bone mets (NEJM 2009;361:32). Brain MRI for all Pts except stage IA. Pathology: via bronchoscopy (central lesions) or CT-guided needle bx (peripheral lesions or accessible sites of suspected metastasis); mediastinoscopy (LN bx / eval), VATS (eval. of pleural peripheral lesions), thoracentesis if pleural effusion (cytology).

  • Genetics of Diagnostic and staging evaluation of lung cancer: PFTs w/ quant V/Q if Rx includes resection; need 30% nl predicted lung fxn after resection to avoid morbidity.


  • 避免發病。


  • 肺癌分期:影像學:胸部和腹部/骨盆對比 CT 以評估代謝物(腎上腺、肝臟、骨骼)。 PET-CT 在檢測縱隔和遠處轉移以及骨轉移方面比單獨使用 CT 更有效 (NEJM 2009;361:32)。除 IA 期以外的所有 Pts 的腦部 MRI。病理:經支氣管鏡檢查(中心性病變)或CT引導下針吸(周圍性病變或疑似轉移的可及部位);縱隔鏡檢查(LN bx / eval),VATS(胸膜周圍病變的評估),胸腔積液時的胸腔穿刺術(細胞學)。

  • 肺癌診斷和分期評估的遺傳學:如果 Rx 包括切除,則 PFTs w/ quant V/Q;切除後需要 30% nl 預測肺 fxn 以避免發病。