

Overall Survival with Ribociclib plus Fulvestrant in Advanced Breast Cancer

在一項名為MONALEESA-3的Phase 3研究的第二次中期分析中發現:針對ER陽性、HER2陰性的進階乳腺癌患者,使用ribociclib加fulvestrant相較於僅使用fulvestrant,在總體生存期上有顯著的益處

  • 在於42個月時的預估總體生存率,ribociclib組為57.8% (95%信賴區間[CI]為52.0%至63.2%) ,而安慰劑組為45.9% (95% CI為36.9%至54.5%) ,相對風險的死亡率下降 ↓ 了28% (風險比為0.72;95% CI為0.57至0.92;P = 0.00455)
  • 此外,在接受第一線治療的患者中,使用ribociclib加fulvestrant的中位 ✖ 無疾病進展生存期為33.6個月 (95% CI為27.1至41.3) ,而在安慰劑組中為19.2個月 (95% CI為14.9至23.6) 。

Ribociclib plus Fulvestrant for Advanced Breast Cancer: A Phase 3 Randomized Clinical Trial

  • Design: Phase 3, randomized clinical trial
  • Number of patients: Not reported
  • Patients characteristics: Postmenopausal patients with hormone-receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative advanced breast cancer, receiving first-line or second-line treatment
  • Agent: Ribociclib plus Fulvestrant vs. Placebo plus Fulvestrant
  • Treatment line: First-line or second-line treatment
  • Trial Name/NCT Number: MONALEESA-3 number, NCT02422615

Comparison of Ribociclib plus Fulvestrant vs. Placebo plus Fulvestrant

EndpointsRibociclib plus FulvestrantPlacebo plus Fulvestrant
PFS (first-line treatment)Median 33.6 months (95% CI, 27.1 to 41.3)Median 19.2 months (95% CI, 14.9 to 23.6)
Overall survival42 months was 57.8%45.9%
Response rateNot reportedNot reported
  • Other findings:
    • No new safety signals were observed.


Ribociclib plus Fulvestrant significantly improved overall survival compared to Placebo plus Fulvestrant in postmenopausal patients with hormone-receptor-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer receiving first-line or second-line treatment. The benefit was consistent across most subgroups. Median progression-free survival was also improved in patients receiving first-line treatment. No new safety signals were observed.