
🌱 來自: plasma cell dyscrasias

monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance (MGUS)

  • Premalignancy w/ clonal plasma cell (PC) proliferation.
  • No e/o other B-cell disease.
  • <10% monoclonal PCs in BM,
  • <3 g/dL serum M-protein,
  • & no MM-related organ dysfunction s/s

monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance (MGUS)

(NEJM 2018;378:241)

  • ✓ CBC, Ca, Cr, SPEP, serum free light chains, UPEP w/ immunofixation (to exclude MM)
  • Close observation: repeat SPEP in 6 mo, then → yearly thereafter if stable
  • ~1%/y or ~25% lifetime risk → MM, WM, amyloidosis, or malign. lymphoproliferative dis.
  • Abnormal serum free light chain ratio & M protein ≥1.5 g/dL: ↑ risk of progression to MM

Smoldering Multiple Myeloma

  • Need whole-body MRI or PET-CT to rule out occult bone lesions
  • Risk of prog. 10%/y, depends on [M protein], subtype, FLC ratio. No defined role for Rx yet though trials ongoing (NEJM 2013;369:438; Blood 2019;134:781; JCO 2020;38:1126).