
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Magnesium🚧 施工中


Magnesium homeostasis (Mg2+ 1.8–2.5 mg/dL)

•   Distribution:

-   99% intracellular, two-third of that in bones

-   1% extracellular, 30% bound of that to albumin

•   Regulation:

-   Intake: Passive intestinal absorption

-   Storage: Intracellular shift by insulin and glucocorticoids

-   Excretion: Inhibited by ADH, PTH, and hypomagnesemia

Hypomagnesemia (Mg2+ <1.8 mg/dL)

•   Clinical features:

-   Neurologic: Tremors, hyperreflexia, seizures, altered mental status

-   ECG: Prolonged QT, T-wave flattening, torsade de pointes

-   Often also hypocalcemia (low PTH), hypokalemia (in muscle/myocardium Mg2+ and K+ move together)

•   Etiology:

-   Poor intake: Alcohol use, diarrhea, short bowel, fasting, malabsorption

-   Intracellular shift: Insulin, hungry-bone (post-parathyroidectomy), pancreatitis, catecholamine excess

-   Renal wasting: Alcohol, diuretics, calcineurin inhibitors, aminoglycosides, cisplatin, amphotericin B, Gitelman syndrome

•   Treatment: Mild: PO magnesium oxide. Severe: IV magnesium sulfate

Hypermagnesemia (Mg2+ >2.5 mg/dL)

•   Clinical features: Loss of deep tendon reflexes (earliest sign), nausea, weakness, ECG similar to hyperkalemia (increased PR interval, widened QRS, peaked T)

•   Etiology:

-   Endogenous: Renal failure, burns/trauma, adrenal insufficiency, rhabdomyolysis

-   Exogenous: Magnesium enemas, excessive PO supplementation, IV magnesium for treatment of other pathology (e.g., preeclampsia)

•   Treatment:

-   Stop exogenous magnesium

-   Give IV calcium gluconate for cardioprotection

-   Consider IVF/furosemide, dialysis if anuric