
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Respiratory Acidosis🚧 施工中

Respiratory Acidosis

pH,PaCO2**, (Delayed compensation:HCO3–)**

•   Clinical features: Somnolence, confusion, myoclonus, headache, papilledema

•   Etiology: Hypoventilation due to acute/chronic lung disease, airway obstruction, opioids or other ingestion causing hypoventilation, respiratory muscle weakness

-   Acute: Minimal to no renal compensation; each 10 mmHg ↑PaCO2 → ↓0.08 pH, ↑1mEq/L HCO3–

-   Chronic: Renal compensation (↑HCO3– reabsorption); each 10 mmHg ↑PaCO2 → ↓0.03 pH, ↑4 mEq/L HCO3–

•   Treatment: Treat underlying problem (e.g., COPD/asthma → bronchodilators, opioid-induced → naloxone); support with BiPAP or intubation if severe acidosis and/or respiratory fatigue