
management of Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

DLBCL 的 → 處理

  • DLBCL Cure Rate:
    • DLBCL is → curable w/ chemotherapy, even in advanced stage.
  • Standard Treatment:
    • Standard of care for advanced stage disease is → rituximab + CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine & prednisone) every 3 wks for 6-8 cycles (NEJM 2002;346:235).
  • Cardiotoxicity Risk:
    • LV function is → screened w/ MUGA or ECHO before doxorubicin due to risk of cardiotoxicity.
  • Infusional Regimen:
    • Cardiac tox lower w/ the infusional regimen dose-adjusted EPOCH.
  • Interim Restaging:
    • Interim restaging (investigational, CT vs. PET) after 2-4 cycles. Consider Rx change if <PR. We recommend interim CT because of issue w/ false positive PET scanning.
  • Role of Radiation Therapy:
    • RT improves local control, particularly for bulky disease. ISRT has replaced traditional IFRT as the current standard (NCCN Guidelines V 1.2013, pg NHODG-D).
  • CNS Relapse Prevention:
    • Intrathecal or high-dose MTX Ppx if ↑ risk of CNS relapse (testis involvement, epidural space, primary breast, high risk IPI, double-hit) (JCO 2015;36:3150).
  • Post-Treatment Evaluation:
    • Restage w/ PET after completion of Rx (done 4-6 wks post tx to determine remission).

regimen-of-management of Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma