
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Neuro-oncology🚧 施工中


Metastatic brain tumors

•   Radiographic findings: Multifocal lesions at the gray-white junction, ring enhancement with contrast

•   Common malignancies that metastasize to the brain: Lung cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, GI malignancies, GU malignancies

Primary CNS tumors

•   See Hematology/Oncology Chapter 7

Paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes

•   Clinical presentation: Consider paraneoplastic (or autoimmune) encephalitis in patients with subacute onset neurologic symptoms including limbic encephalitis (memory loss, behavior changes, seizures), movement disorders, myelopathy, and/or neuropathy. Higher risk if the patient has a known history of malignancy. Typically, CSF is acellular (though often have abnormal IgG index and oligoclonal bands). MRI brain/spine may show abnormal findings in the limbic system, brainstem, or spinal cord.

•   Diagnosis: MRI, lumbar puncture with IgG index and oligoclonal bands, serum and CSF autoimmune encephalitis panel, CT chest/abdomen/pelvis, testicular/vaginal ultrasound and/or PET if unknown primary site of malignancy

TABLE 12.6 • Key Medications Used in Neurology

•   Treatment: Treat underlying malignancy, may require immunosuppression