
Pathogenesis: Generation and Maintenance of Metabolic Alkalosis A Brief Pathophysiologic Review

Seldin and Rector published a classic review, “The Generation and Maintenance of Metabolic Alkalosis,” in 1972 (12). Although many subsequent discoveries have expanded our understanding of the complex systemic neurohormonal, kidney, cellular, and paracellular mechanisms participating in the development and maintenance of this acid-base disorder, the Seldin/Rector extracellular fluid (ECF) volume-centered approach continues to be an extremely useful and relatively easy-to-understand diagnostic and therapeutic framework for the metabolic alkaloses. Some experts believe the “ECF volume-centered” approach should be replaced by a chloride-depletion model and cite experimental animal models to support their position (13–16). However, others challenge these experimental results and their interpretation (17,18). This review uses the traditional “ECF volume-centered” classification.