HIV-associated NHL
(Blood 2006;107:13)
HIV ⊕ imparts 60–100× relative risk
NHL is an AIDS-defining malignancy along with Kaposi’s, cervical CA, anal CA
Concurrent HAART & chemotherapy likely provide survival benefit
DLBCL & immunoblastic lymphoma (67%): CD4 <100, EBV-associated. Burkitt lymphoma (20%): can occur with CD4 >200. Generally, treat as immunocompetent, but avoid rituximab if CD4 <50 (due to increased risk of death from infection).
Primary CNS lymphoma (16%): CD4 <50, EBV-assoc. (also seen in Pts w/o HIV). Rx w/ high-dose MTX-based regimen + steroid ± temozolomide ± RT, consider auto HSCT.