

G1–S transition 過程中的重要蛋白,由 Growth Factor 所刺激

CCND1 amplification and cyclin D1 immunohistochemical expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas - PubMed

  • Cyclin D1
    • Essential regulator of the G1–S transition in response to growth factor stimulation in somatic cells
    • ES cells express a low cyclin D1 level
    • Regulation of cyclin D1 expression differs between ES cells and other cells
      • Ras/ERK pathway does not contribute to regulation of cyclin D1 expression in ES cells
      • PI3K signaling critically regulates steady-state level of cyclin D1 protein in ES cells
      • PI3K activity seems to be uncoupled from persistent mitogenic stimulation in ES cells
    • Expression of cyclin D1 is disconnected from mitogenic signals transduced by tyrosine kinase receptors in ES cells
    • Constitutive, low expression of cyclin D1 could contribute to constitutive phosphorylation of RB
    • Functional significance of cyclin D-CDK4 complexes in ES cells may be to sequester p27kip1 and prevent inhibitor from acting on cyclin E-CDK2 kinase.