
echocardiogram as diagnosis of bacterial endocarditis

TTE in all Pts. TEE if

  1. (i) TTE abnl but nondx,
  2. (ii) TTE ⊖ but high suspicion,
  3. (iii) complications suspected or present (eg, AVB),
  4. (iv) high-risk (prosthetic valve, CIED, prior IE, congenital heart dis.),
  5. (v) S. aureus, enterococcus, or fungus,
  6. (vi) Δ in signs or sx (eg, new conduction abnl, regurgitation, etc.)
  7. (vii) if considering a shortened course (10–14 d) of abx (vide infra)

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  • All patients should have a transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) as part of their initial diagnostic evaluation for IE. If the TTE is nondiagnostic but there is a high clinical suspicion for IE, then a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) should be obtained.
  • A TEE should also be considered in patients with suspected or documented complications of IE, those at high risk for IE (eg, prosthetic valve, congenital heart disease, prior IE), those with Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus, or fungal IE, or those with a change in signs or symptoms suggestive of IE (eg, new conduction abnormalities, worsening valve regurgitation, etc.).
  • If a shortened course of antibiotics is being considered (10–14 days), a TEE should be obtained to document the absence of active endocarditis.


所有患者都應進行經胸超聲心動圖 (TTE) 作為 IE 初始診斷評估的一部分。如果 TTE 無法診斷,但臨床高度懷疑 IE,則應進行經食管超聲心動圖 (TEE)。對於疑似或證實有 IE 並發症的患者、IE 高危患者(例如,人工瓣膜、先天性心髒病、既往 IE)、金黃色葡萄球菌、腸球菌或真菌性 IE 患者,或患有 IE 的患者,也應考慮 TEE提示 IE 的體徵或症狀的變化(例如,新的傳導異常、瓣膜反流惡化等)。如果正在考慮縮短抗生素療程(10-14 天),則應獲得 TEE 以證明沒有活動性心內膜炎。