
nephropathy of diabetes mellitus

microalbuminuria → proteinuria ± nephrotic syndrome → renal failure. Strict BP control using ACEI or ARB; SGLT-2 inhib (NEJM 2016;375:323 & 2019;380:2295); finerenone (NEJM 2020;383:2219); low-protein diet; dialysis or transplant.

參考➡️ Effect of finerenone on chronic kidney disease outcomes in type 2 diabetes

* [[Systemic diseases with secondary glomerular involvement]]

Explain by ChatGPT

Nephropathy of diabetes mellitus is a kidney disease that is a complication of diabetes.

There are four stages of nephropathy of diabetes mellitus:

  1. Microalbuminuria
  2. Proteinuria
  3. Nephrotic syndrome
  4. Renal failure

Treatment for nephropathy of diabetes mellitus includes:

  1. Strict blood pressure control using ACE inhibitors or ARBs
  2. SGLT-2 inhibitors
  3. Finerenone
  4. Low-protein diet
  5. Dialysis or transplant




1.微量白蛋白尿 2.蛋白尿 3.腎病綜合徵 4.腎功能衰竭


  1. 使用 ACE 抑製劑或 ARB 嚴格控制血壓
  2. SGLT-2抑製劑
  3. 非瑞酮 4.低蛋白飲食 5.透析或移植