- Myeloablative conditioning (MAC):
- Expected to destroy hematopoietic cells in the BM → results in pancytopenia that is long-lasting, usu irreversible, & in most instances fatal unless hematopoiesis restored by infusion of HSCs
- 預計會破壞骨髓中的造血細胞,並在給藥後一到三週內導致嚴重的全血球減少症
- 抑制宿主的免疫系統對於防止移植物排斥也很重要。
- 由此產生的全血球減少症是持久的,通常是不可逆的,
- 並且在大多數情況下是致命的,除非透過輸注造血幹細胞來恢復造血功能。
- eg, TBI ≥5 Gy single dose or ≥8 Gy fractionated; Bu ≥8 mg/kg PO or IV equivalent
- TBI_Cy (4.5 Gy × 2)
- Bu4_Cy
- Flu_Bu4
- High dose melphalan
- Flu_Mel_TBI is a reasonable alternative to CY/TBI
Nonmyeloablative (NMA)
Cause minimal cytopenia but significant lymphopenia; following administration of allo-HSCs → engrafting donor T cells will eventually eliminate host hematopoietic cells allowing establishment of donor hematopoiesis (JCO 2005;23:1993)
- Eg, Flu + Cy w/ or w/o ATG, TBI ≤2 Gy w/ or w/o purine analog
Reduced intensity conditioning (RIC)
Intermediate in intensity, result in cytopenias that may be prolonged & result in significant morbidity/mortality, eg, Bu ≤9 mg/kg PO, melphalan ≤140 mg/m2