Structural failure (r/o endocarditis); mechanical valves: rare except for Bjork-Shiley; bioprosth: up to 30% rate w/in 10–15 y, mitral >aortic; consider TAVR (JACC 2017; 69:2253)
Paravalvular leak (r/o endocarditis); small central jet of regurg is normal in mech. valves
Obstruction from thrombosis (JACC 2013;62:1731) or pannus: ✓ TTE, TEE, CTA, or fluoro significantly symptomatic pannus ingrowth: remove w/ surgery
thrombosis: surgery if sx or large L-sided mech valve obstruction; UFH ± low-dose lytic if small, not surgical candidate, or R-sided; OAC for sx bioprosthetic thrombosis
Infective endocarditis ± valvular abscess and conduction system dis. (see “Endocarditis”)