interstitial lung disease

workup of ILD

specific etiologies of ILD


  • Pulm alveolar proteinosis (PAP): accumulation of surfactant-like phospholipids; white & gummy sputum; BAL milky fluid (NEJM 2003;349:2527); Rx w/ lung lavage & GMCSF

參考➡️ Update on Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis

  • Langerhans cell granulomatosis (LCG): young ♂ smokers; apical cysts; PTX (25%)

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  • Respiratory bronchiolitis-ILD (RBILD): smokers; mild; upper lobe; basilar; HRCT with mosaic perfusion

Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a group of disorders that affect the tissues and spaces between the air sacs of the lungs.

There are many different types of ILD, and the symptoms and severity can vary. ILD can be caused by many things, including infections, autoimmune disorders, and exposure to certain toxins.

A diagnosis of ILD is usually made based on a combination of a person’s symptoms, a physical exam, and results from diagnostic tests. There is no one test that can diagnose ILD, so a variety of tests may be used to rule out other conditions and confirm the diagnosis.

There is no cure for ILD, but treatments are available to help manage the symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.


  • 呼吸性細支氣管炎 - 間質性肺病 (RBILD):吸煙者;溫和的;上葉;基底;鑲嵌灌注 HRCT

間質性肺病 (ILD) 是一組影響肺部氣囊之間的組織和空間的疾病。

間質性肺病有多種類型,症狀和嚴重程度也各不相同。 ILD 可由多種原因引起,包括感染、自身免疫性疾病和接觸某些毒素。

ILD 的診斷通常基於個人症狀、體格檢查和診斷測試結果的組合。沒有一種測試可以診斷 ILD,因此可以使用多種測試來排除其他情況並確認診斷。
