Diagnostic clues that favor VT

(assume until proven o/w)

  • Prior MI, CHF, or LV dysfunction best predictors that WCT is VT (Am J Med 1998;84:53)
  • Hemodynamics and rate do not reliably distinguish VT from SVT
  • MMVT is regular, but initially it may be slightly irregular, mimicking AF w/ aberrancy; grossly irregularly irregular rhythm suggests AF w/ aberrancy or pre-excitation
  • ECG features that favor VT (Circ 2016;133:e506) -Brugada Criteria
    • AV dissociation (independent P waves, capture or fusion beats) proves VT
    • Very wide QRS (>140 ms in RBBB-type or >160 in LBBB-type);
    • extreme axis deviation
    • QRS morphology atypical for BBB (longest precordial RS >100 ms and R wider than S)
    • RBBB-type:
      • absence of tall R′ (or presence of monophasic R) in V1,
      • r/S ratio <1 in V6
    • LBBB-type:
      • onset to nadir >60 ms in V1,
      • q wave in V6
  • Initial R wave in aVR; concordance (QRS in all precordial leads w/ same pattern/direction)
