🌱 created from: subsequent_therapies-of-hepatocellular_carcinoma


  • Design: Phase III, multi-center, randomized, double-blind
  • Number of patients: 413
  • Patients characteristics: Advanced HCC, previously treated with sorafenib
  • Agent: Pembrolizumab plus best supportive care vs. placebo plus BSC
  • Treatment line: Previously treated with sorafenib
  • Trial Acronym (if provided) or NCTId Number: NCT02702401
  • Comparison of efficacy in one markdown table
  • Highlight of toxicity:
    • Grade 3 or higher adverse events occurred in 52.7% of pembrolizumab patients vs. 46.3% of placebo patients,
    • with treatment-related adverse events in 18.6% vs. 7.5%, respectively
  • One line summarize:
  • Pembrolizumab showed improved overall survival and progression-free survival in previously treated advanced HCC patients, with manageable adverse events.