Diagnostic evaluation of thrombocytopenia

  • H&P: meds, infxns, underlying conditions, splenomegaly, lymph nodes, bleeding hx
  • CBC with differential: isolated thrombocytopenia vs. multilineage involvement

Peripheral smear

  • (r/o pseudothrombocytopenia due to platelet clumping)
  • ↑ destruction → look for large plts, ↑ MPV, schistocytes (see “Peripheral Smear” inserts)
  • ↓ production → rarely limited to platelets → look for blasts, hypersegmented PMNs, leukoerythroblastic Δs; can see inclusion bodies (anaplasma), parasites (Babesia)

Additional laboratory evaluations as indicated

  • (eg, viral titers, flow cytometry, ANA, APLA)
  • if anemia: ✓ reticulocyte count, LDH, haptoglobin, bilirubin to detect hemolysis
  • if hemolytic anemia: ✓ PT, PTT, fibrinogen, D-dimer, Coombs, ANA
  • BM bx for unexplained thrombocytopenia, esp. if associated with splenomegaly