

  • Modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CPS) score based on ascites, enceph., & labs (bili, alb & INR; see Appendix). CPS A (5–6 pts): 1-y survival 100%, B (7–9): 80%; C (10–15): 45%.

  • MELD-Na (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease; Gastro 2011;14:1952): used to stratify liver Tx list & predict 3-mo survival in cirrhosis and some acute forms of liver dis. Based on Cr, INR, total bili, Na. Calculator:

If MELD <21, additional predictors of mortality include refractory ascites, ↑ HVPG & ↓ QoL.

MELD-Plus includes alb, chol, LOS, age, WBC (PLOS One 2017;12:e0186301).