
Pericardial Knock

What is → a pericardial knock? 什麼 是: 心包爆音?

A pericardial knock is → a high-pitched sound made by the heart due to early diastole, which is → when a ventricle does not fully fill with blood between heartbeats. The sound generally indicates diastolic dysfunction, in which the heart is → stiffened, has difficulty relaxing between beats, and cannot completely fill up with blood.

心包爆音 是: 心臟 ∵ 由於舒張早期而發出的 → 高音調聲音,此時心室在 ↣ 心跳之間 💥 沒有完全充滿血液

  • 聲音通常表明舒張功能障礙,心臟僵硬,在 ↣ 節拍之間難以放鬆, ✖ 無法完全充滿血液。

The heart has four chambers: the right and left atria (i.e., the top chambers) and the right and left ventricles (i.e., the bottom chambers). In general, blood flows from veins into the atria, then → into the ventricles, and out of the heart through the arteries. During the pumping of blood, there are two heart sounds that make up a “lub-dub” sound. The first heart sound (“lub”) is → from the closing of the atrioventricular valves located between the atria and ventricles. The second sound (“dub”) is → when the semilunar valves, which connect the ventricles to the arteries, close. Diastole occurs after the second sound and is → when the heart relaxes and the ventricles fill with blood. The pericardial knock occurs early in diastole if the ventricles do not completely fill with blood.

心臟有四個腔室:左右心房 (即頂部腔室) 和左右心室 (即底部腔室)

  • 一般來說,血液從靜脈流入心房,然後流入心室,然後通過動脈流出心臟
  • 在 ↣ 泵血過程中,有兩種心音組成“lub-dub”音
  • 第一心音 (“lub”) 來自位於心房和心室之間的 → 房室瓣關閉
  • 第二個聲音 (“dub”) 是: 連接心室和動脈的 → 半月瓣關閉時發出的 → 聲音
  • 舒張期發生在 ↣ 第二聲之後,此時心臟放鬆,心室充滿血液
  • 如果心室未完全充滿血液,則心包爆震發生在 ↣ 舒張早期。