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BC follow up strategy: PE Q3M for 1 years then Q6M for 4 years then Qyear Annual exam Qyear and mammo/breast sono in between for 5 years and then alternatively** *Bone scan during annual exam for stage III disease *For BCS patient, if radiation therapy was given, the 1Y mammogram should be postponed to at least 6 months after finish of radiation therapy *No breast sonogram is indicated for those patients whose mammogram showed to be fatty or scattered fibroglandular. For those mammogram showed to be heterogeneous or extremely dense, do sonogram of breast at 1.5Y, 2.5Y, 3.5Y, 4.5Y **For those mammogram showed to be heterogeneous or extremely dense, do sonogram of breast alternatively with mammogram at yearly interval. For those patients whose mammogram showed to be fatty or scattered fibroglandular, do yearly mammogram.
