
International Myeloma Working Group diagnostic criteria for systemic AL amyloidosis

from IMWG diagnostic criteria for systemic AL amyloidosis - UpToDate

系統性 AL 澱粉樣變性的 → 診斷需要滿足以下所有條件

  • Presence of an amyloid-related systemic syndrome (eg, renal, liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, or peripheral nerve involvement)
    • 存在 amyloid-related 蛋白相關的 → 全身綜合征 (如腎臟、肝臟、心臟、胃腸道或周圍神經受累)
  • Positive amyloid staining by Congo red in any tissue (eg, fat aspirate, bone marrow, or organ biopsy)
    • 任何組織中剛果紅澱粉樣蛋白染色陽性 (如脂肪抽吸物、骨髓或器官活檢)
  • Evidence that amyloid is → light-chain-related established by direct examination of the amyloid using mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis, or immunoelectronmicroscopy, and
    • 通過使用基於質譜的 → 蛋白質組學分析或免疫電子顯微鏡直接檢查澱粉樣蛋白而確定的 → 澱粉樣蛋白與輕鏈相關的 → 證據,以及
  • Evidence of a monoclonal plasma cell proliferative disorder (serum or urine monoclonal protein, abnormal free light-chain ratio, or clonal plasma cells in the bone marrow)
    • 單克隆漿細胞增殖性疾病的 → 證據 (血清或尿液單克隆蛋白、遊離輕鏈比異常或骨髓中的 → 克隆漿細胞)