
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Extra Heart Sounds🚧 施工中

Extra Heart Sounds

•   S3 (Ventricular gallop): OVERLOAD; early diastolic sound, listen with the stethoscope’s bell

-   Turbulent flow of blood hitting an overfilled ventricle

-   Differential diagnosis: Can be normal in patients age <35 yr or in pregnancy. Otherwise, specific sign of decompensated heart failure (92% specificity for LVEDP >15 mmHg and BNP >100 pg/mL)

•   S4 (Atrial gallop/kick): STIFF VENTRICLE; late diastolic sound, listen with the stethoscope’s diaphragm

-   Atrium pushing blood against a stiff ventricle

-   Differential diagnosis: Always pathologic – ventricular hypertrophy (secondary to HTN), heart failure

FIGURE 1.5: The cardiac cycle. This image depicts the relationship between various cardiac parameters over the course of a single cardiac cycle, including cardiac filling (black), ECG findings (dark green), heart sounds (purple), aortic pressure (light blue), left ventricular pressure (dark blue), left atrial pressure (green), ventricular volume (royal blue), and jugular venous pulse (lime).