Info 🌱 來自: project and idea of python pubmed to search a article all references from Bio import Entrez from pybtex.database import BibliographyData, Entry from pybtex.database.input import bibtex # Provide your email address to NCBI = "" # Search for the article using its PMID pmid = "PMID" # Replace with the actual PubMed ID of the article handle = Entrez.efetch(db="pubmed", id=pmid, retmode="xml") record = # Extract the references from the article references = [] for ref in record[0]['MedlineCitation']['Article']['ReferenceList']: references.append(ref['ArticleIdList'][0]) # Create a BibliographyData object bib_data = BibliographyData() # Add the references to the BibliographyData object for ref_id in references: entry = Entry( 'article', fields={ 'ID': ref_id, 'title': '', 'author': '', 'journal': '', 'year': '', 'volume': '', 'number': '', 'pages': '', 'doi': '', 'url': f'{ref_id}/' } ) bib_data.add_entry(ref_id, entry) # Save the BibliographyData object as a BibTeX file with open(f'{pmid}_references.bib', 'w') as bibfile: bibfile.write(bibtex.write(bib_data))