Extrapulmonary TB

  • lymphadenitis,
  • pericarditis,
  • peritonitis,
  • CNS disease including meningitis,
  • GU tract disease
  • ± sterile pyuria,
  • osteoarticular disease (vertebral = Pott’s disease),
  • granulomatous hepatitis, splenitis, cutaneous disease


  • Pleural/pericardial effusions or ascites:
    • fluid sampling for AFB cx/smear, NAAT/ PCR, cell counts.
    • Adenosine deaminase (ADA) can be ↑, best validated in ascites.
    • Free INFγ can be elevated in pleural/ascitic fluid (not validated in pericardial effusions).
    • Higher diagnostic yield with pleural/pericardial biopsies for disease at these sites.
  • CSF:
    • fluid sampling for AFB cx/smear (submit at least 10 mL),
    • NAAT/PCR,
    • cell count ( NB: lymphocyte predominanace),
    • glucose (low),
    • protein (high),
    • ADA (high)
  • Soft tissue:
    • tissue biopsy with AFB staining,
    • pathology w/ granulomas